1. 对话填空题:请根据对话内容填写合适的时间表达词汇
Tom: What time is the meeting?
Lisa: The meeting starts at ___________.
Tom: Okay, and when does it end?
Lisa: It ends at ___________. We have a two-hour meeting.
2. 句子改写题:请根据要求改写下列句子中的时间表达
a) They will arrive at 7:30pm.
改为:They will arrive __________ 7:30 in the evening.
b) The concert lasted for three hours.
改为:The concert __________ for three hours.
3. 阅读理解题:请阅读以下文章,并回答问题
John has a busy schedule. He wakes up at 6:00am and goes for a jog. Then he has breakfast and leaves for work at 8:00am. He works from 9:00am to 5:00pm with a one-hour lunch break. After work, he goes to the gym and works out for two hours. In the evening, he usually has dinner with his family and watches a movie before going to bed at 11:00pm.
a) What time does John wake up?
b) How long does John work?
c) What does John do after work?
4. 排序题:请将以下时间表达按照时间顺序排序
a) 4:00pm
b) 9:30am
c) 6:15pm
d) 12:00pm
5. 对话补全题:请根据对话内容补全缺失部分
Mark: What are your plans for tomorrow?
Sarah: I have a dentist appointment _______ 10:00am.
Mark: Oh, and what are you doing _______ the afternoon?
Sarah: I'm meeting my friends _______ coffee at 3:00pm.